i. Introduction
The Built History of Halifax attempts to tie a number of previously written blog posts at HalifaxBloggers.ca into a fluid narrative about the architectural history of Halifax. Individual Posts have been edited, combined, and stitched together in a Chronological and Thematic manner. This is a work in progress, so it may not flow as well as i would like.
The Series begins in 1749, However there is almost 150 years of European settlement of Nova Scotia since the French founded Port Royal in 1605, and the Mi’kmaq before them.
1. Georgian Halifax 1749-1840
The Founding Of Halifax
Georgian and Palladian Halifax
2. The Victorian Revivals 1837-1900
Gothic Revival
Italianate 1850-1870
Classical Revival
Richardsonian Romanesque
Second Empire 1865-1885
Queen Ann Revival 1890-1914
Scotish Baronial
Parker Welsford Monument
3. Defense
The Blockhouse
The Martello Tower
The Halifax Drill Hall
4. Transportation and Communication
The Urban Horses of Halifax
Halifax Water – 1844-1913
The First (and second) Harbour Bridge
ICR Deep Water Terminus
The South End Port Project – 1912-1928
5. Early Modern 1900-1939
The beginning of Town Planning
All Saints Cathedral
The Tramway Building
The Chicago Style
The #4 Fire Station – Bedford Row
Art Deco
The Bank of Nova Scotia
6. Modernizing Halifax 1945-1970
The 1945 Master plan
The Early Airport and Westmount Subdivision
The MacDonald Bridge
Federal Legislation, and the 1957 Master Plan
Africville Removal
Redeveloping the Central Re-development Area
Harbour Drive, and other changes
North West Arm Bridge
The Centennial Project
The Canada Permanent Building
The Halifax International Air Terminal Building