the original public works shops were located on the exihbition grounds, around morris st and tower rd. with their sale for the cathedral, a new location was required. in febuary 1908, fww doane the city engineer recommends moving the stables and workshops to the north end of the wanderers grounds. the city was allready using the area as a cement works.
CIty Field then remained at that location untill the land was need for the new provential museum.
oct 12 1967 – there was a discussion about the architects fees for the canceled Aquarium project, with regards to awarding the design for the new city field building. The firm of MacFawn & Rogers were considered (Ex principals of CA Fowler, Bauld And Mitchel) and Aza Avramovitch & Associates. after 2 votes, it was awarded to Aza Avramovitch & Associates with the mayor casting the deciding vote.
feb 1968 – terms of reference submitted for new city field building. salt storage and repair facilities for vehicles still open. repair should be left to the architect, salt storage subject to a report.
Aprl 1968 – Agreement with Aza Avramovitch & Associates for construction of new city field building. later that month plans are presented, and the usual feature adjustments are done to stay on budget.
Lowest tender submitted from Fundy Construction for $708,950.00, however there was an issue with the bid, as 2 of the 3 paving subcontractors who quoted the job had withdrawn their bids as they didn’t include additional work specified in an addendum to the tender. it thus left Fundy’s bid artificiality lower, as they had used one of the retracted bids. after some debate, council decided to award the tender to Fundy Construction on a vote of 5-4. Fundy would have to eat the paving costs themselves.
august 1969, ready to move in october.
salt facilities need work